Thursday, December 9, 2010

Medevac Hospital Lands in on the Somerset Hills YMCA

As the grand finale to “Transportation Week” at the Millicent Fenwick Day Care Center at the Somerset Hills YMCA, Atlantic Health’s MEDEVAC helicopter ‘Air One’ landed in the backyard of the Y, much to the delight and awe of onlookers, young and old. Children were able to approach the helicopter after landing and to each ask a question. Questions ranged from how fast they could fly to whether the pilot slept in the helicopter at night! The Basking Ridge Fire Company provided safety coverage at the event.

From left: Paul Sepanski, Jr, Flight R.N.; Sally Roser, Associate Director of Child Care at the Millicent Day Care Center, Somerset Hills YMCA; Dr. Dan Mooney, Morristown Memorial Hospital and Sean Lynch, Mobile Intensive Care Paramedic. Not pictured, Bob Jones, MEDEVAC helicopter Pilot.

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