Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sweet, sweet dreams!

Keeping Babies Safe (KBS) has just donated 12 brand new cribs to the Millicent Fenwick Day Care Center at the Y! These cribs meet the new current standards mandated by the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act and are being donated in the wake of the October 3rd Somerset Hills YMCA and Keeping Babies Safe joint 5K that raised approximately $48,000. 

Joyce Davis, President KBS, lost her own son, Garret, when he was four months old due to an unsafe sleeping condition; her mission is to educate as many parents as possible about safe sleeping conditions and to donate safe cribs to those in need.  KBS is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides education, assistance and leadership in keeping babies safe from preventable injuries associated with unsafe cribs and sleep environments.

Said Joyce, “This is a great first step with the Somerset Hills YMCA and plans are now underfoot to reach out to Ys nationwide. The Y leads the nation in providing quality daycare and we want to assist them with ensuring all cribs in their daycare centers conform to the latest safety standards.”

KBS is a reliable, free information resource for parents that provides all the necessary crib and sleep safety information, product recall information and safety tips so parents can stay informed and be vigilant about keeping their children safe.  Additionally, KBS educates health care personnel and donates safe cribs through an expanding network of hospitals, clinics and other health and human service organizations that distribute the donated safe cribs nationwide through their internal vetting programs.

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